Law of Attraction, new people, new experiences; leave your mark!

This weekend was a really good one… I was in Virginia Beach, Virginia coaching my wrestling teams at the National High School Coaches Association National Duals. The weather was great and so were my blood sugars. Had a few lows but overall, it was extremely well-controlled between my pump and my constant glucose monitor.

Days at wrestling competitions can often be grueling for everyone involved. The athletes, the coaches, the parents, the staff, the officials, all output a tremendous amount of energy. The forms in which the energy varies on the emotional spectrum greatly. Kids, parents, coaches and tournament workers, typically, release this energy in the form of stress, frustration and sometimes anger.

I have found this to be an extremely toxic environment for anyone and especially young, developing athletes. Our team operates differently and leading by example seems to be impacting these events. We preach positivity, mental toughness and always doing the right thing. Wrestling can be an outstanding tool to teach everyone involved respect for themselves and others.

One of the things I always tell my wrestlers, “If you can’t control yourself, how can you expect to control your opponent?” The life lessons learned through sport, wrestling specifically can be dramatically influential. There is a reason the Forbes‘ Magazine published an article stating wrestlers have high success rates in the business world.

Two of my favorite parts of traveling the world to wrestle/grapple are the people I meet and the experiences I encounter. Obviously, they work hand in hand.

I felt very blessed this weekend, many people approached me to discuss Type-1 Diabetes and simply to extend warm wishes about the way our team operates and carries ourselves. It makes me feel very proud that parents trust me to work with their young athletes on and off the mat and I am positive force in their lives.

I saw a few Diabetic wrestlers, friends while also meeting new ones and also gaining much more insight about the “human condition”, in general. People have always felt comfortable talking to me and seem to seek me out, partly this is what has led to publishing my blog.

I discussed, with many parents, the emotional and mental hardships/obstacles that they may be experiencing. And I am very thankful that they feel comfortable and confident discussing/addressing these issues with me.

Everyone has a story; as people, we should all look to speak less and listen more. Many people struggling internally need simply that… To have someone that really listens to them and isn’t just waiting to talk back at them. We can all learn from each other and need to remember we are all just people… We all want (mostly) the same things, self-worth and to feel loved.

Do not misunderstand the power that you have as a citizen of the world. You have the ability to change the world every single day with the encounters you have with others.

Take a few seconds out of your day to pass along positivity. It spreads and has a ripple effect on a larger scale than we can fathom. Remember, that negativity and fear have the same power.

Always keep in mind… People are all fighting battles that are invisible to others. Change the way you interact with others and the positivity that you sow will come back to you ten fold. The more good you do, the more good that comes back. Think positive; speak positive; and see how positive the results can be. Reward yourself and others by doing good.

My blood sugar has been very stable lately and I am overwhelmed with all of the support I have received from people everywhere.

Never forget, you can do anything with knowledge and Belief.

Keep fighting!

Much respect,

Fighting Type-1

Law of Attraction, new people, new experiences; leave your mark!

2 thoughts on “Law of Attraction, new people, new experiences; leave your mark!

  1. Matt Strong says:

    Jared great blog! Can you share your perspective on training and competition. All kids are different but what would be a good guideline as they progress towards high school? How much is too much?


  2. Audrey says:

    Please give me advice. My son is type 1 diabetic. Just started wrestling in November. coach has made him into “manager” due to it being to dangerous to wrestle? He has only had two lows 95 and 100. Also he had to miss 1 morning practice due to having keytones. He had a bad site over night. As a mom it is hard enough to try and help Christian feel like a normal teenage boy. Can a coach really prevent him from having mat time?


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